Friday, February 27, 2009

So Big!!!

We went to playgroup today with the UMC Alliance at the Tole's house and Chapman had so much fun! He played so hard with all of his friends. Nicole had a picnic lunch for the kids and Chapman sat at the table like such a big boy and ate his lunch. He is getting so big! I just thought this was a cute photo opp. Here he is with his friends having chicken nuggets and fruit for lunch!


Amy S. Norris said...

oh my gosh julie! he looks so grown up in that second one! where is that little baby going????

Rob and Bethany said...

He is so cute Julie! Looks like things are going great for y'all! Let's get together sometime soon!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Note!!! He is sitting with all the GIRLS!!! So........cute. He is getting so big so quick.